Regal Princess


Back onboard: what our crew are loving most on our Seacations

It’s not just our lovely guests who are excited about our UK itineraries this summer – the Princess crew are thrilled to be back onboard, too, and here’s why…

September 2021

By Liz Darke

After having to pause operations last spring, we were ecstatic to announce our series of UK-based Seacations for this summer. Departing the port of Southampton on Regal Princess and Sky Princess, from Saturday 31st July we’ve been welcoming guests back for both scenic voyages around the British coast and itineraries docking into the ports of Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast and Portland, Dorset.

While many of our guests have shared their excitement over returning to sea, we also spoke to some of our loyal Princess crew on Regal Princess this August to find out what coming back onboard has meant to them and what they’re enjoying most about these special sailings.

Melissa, Spa Therapist from Canada

Princess Melissa USE

This is your first time working for Princess. What made you want to come onboard with us?
I was looking for something new – a fresh challenge – and had always heard great things about Princess.

What has the atmosphere been like on our Seacations?

It’s been a very relaxed atmosphere. The UK guests are so happy to be pampered and to be getting dolled up for the evenings after so long of not being able to cruise. The days we have a ‘Dress to Impress’ evening, it’s been so busy and I love it!

What has been your favourite moment since being onboard?

My favourite moment so far has been meeting a couple who have a second home in Eastern Canada’s Maritime Province, where I’m from. They knew I was Acadian. It’s such a small world and it was such a coincidence. We were all teary-eyed, talking about people and places that we both knew.

What do you love most about working on Regal Princess?

It’s true what they say about the Princess family: it doesn’t matter what rank you are, what department you work in or what nationality you are, everyone is there for each other.

What destination can you not wait to sail to with Princess?

France, so I can speak my language with locals and enjoy some great French food.

Andi, Cruise Director from the UK

Princess Andi USE

How excited were you to get back onboard and sail again?
Very excited! Having spent 18 months being on land, I was so eager to get back onboard.

Have you sailed on Regal Princess before?

I’ve worked on Regal Princess’ sister ships, Royal Princess and Sky Princess, but this is the first time I’ve worked onboard Regal Princess.

What has the atmosphere been like on our Seacations?

They have definitely had the ‘We’re back!’ feeling and you can really sense how much our guests have missed being onboard a Princess ship. The crew’s attitude has been so positive, too – everyone is so pleased to be reunited with their shipboard family.

What has been your favourite moment since coming back onboard?

Meeting and interviewing the celebrity guest speakers. It’s been particularly great having Gareth Gates (pictured left with Andi) onboard as our celebrity vocalist for four of our Seacations – everyone's really loved him.

What do you love most about working on Regal Princess?

The feeling of everyone – from the captain to the crew staff – being a family. Everyone has a part to play onboard and they all play it well.

What destination can you not wait to sail to with Princess?

Hawaii. I’ve cruised there with Princess before but would love to visit it again.

Devanand, Bar Steward from India

Princess Devanand EDIT

How excited were you to get back onboard and sail again?
Extremely excited! I feel very lucky to be back sailing again, too.

Have you sailed on Regal Princess before?

This is my first time sailing on Regal Princess. Previously, I’ve sailed on Caribbean Princess, Ruby Princess, Island Princess, Coral Princess and Emerald Princess.

What has the atmosphere been like on our Seacations?

The atmosphere onboard has been beautiful. The ship is filled with lovely guests and teammates.

What has been your favourite moment since coming back onboard?

Taking to new people and hearing their stories, plus seeing old faces again – I’ve seen crew and guests I’ve met on previous cruises.

What do you love most about working on Regal Princess?

The OceanMedallion device – it’s such exciting new technology!

What destination can you not wait to sail to with Princess?

Alaska – again. I’ve sailed there three times before and love it because of its beautiful glaciers and wildlife. Ketchikan is my favourite port of call.

Valeria, Guest Services Officer from Ukraine

Princess Valeria 3 USE

How excited were you to get back onboard and sail again?
Regal Princess was the first ship I sailed on when I started with Princess back in May 2019. It feels like home, so it was so great to return to work on her!

What has the atmosphere been like on our Seacations?

It’s been an amazing atmosphere onboard. It’s been so brilliant to be reunited with both colleagues and guests.

What’s been your favourite moment since coming back onboard?

Each day brings its special moments, what with meeting new faces but also welcoming back past guests. I’ve enjoyed it all!

What destination can you not wait to sail to with Princess
Japan and South Korea.

Nikola, Stateroom Steward from Serbia

Princess Nikola USE

How excited were you to get back onboard and sail again?
After 16 months at home, every month waiting for the call to come, I am so happy to be back onboard!

Have you sailed on Regal Princess before?

This is the fifth time I've been lucky enough to work onboard Regal Princess. Other Princess ships I've worked on include Royal Princess, Sapphire Princess, Ruby Princess and Caribbean Princess.

What has the atmosphere been like on our Seacations?

It's been full of positivity. Everyone is so happy to be back together, seeing both workmates and guests again.

What has been your favourite moment since coming back onboard?

I can't choose a specific moment, they have all been so special. Just seeing new faces each day has been wonderful.

What do you love most about working on Regal Princess?

OceanMedallion technology, which lets me know when guests are in their stateroom. On their stateroom door screen, guests can select either 'service stateroom' or 'privacy please', which lets me provide them with even better service. I also like being on a ship based in Europe, as it's then only a one hour time difference to Serbia and I can chat regularly with my family back at home.

What destination can you not wait to sail to with Princess?

I've never been to Australia and New Zealand, so would love to visit there, along with Asia.

Excited to come back onboard?

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Read more about our UK-based 2021 Seacations

About the Author

Liz Darke

Liz Darke

Liz is the editor of Journey. She's a seasoned journalist, who specialises in travel, food and lifestyle. Always on the hunt for a hit of sunshine and fantastic regional cuisine, she's heading to Barcelona, Puglia in southern Italy and Mexico next. Oh, and bring on the local wine, too!